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Endowed I.F. Stone Awards

Ithaca College, Park Center for Independent Media / Izzy Award

Text of
Jeremy Stone's remarks: "What Is Izzyness?" (delivered at April 28, 2014 ceremony)

The Izzy Award is named after maverick journalist I. F. Stone. Presented annually for "special achievement in independent media," the Izzy Award goes to an independent outlet, journalist, or producer for contributions to our culture, politics, or journalism created outside traditional corporate structures. The judges are communications professor and author Robert W. McChesney; Linda Jue, director and executive editor at the G.W. Williams Center for Independent Journalism; and Jeff Cohen, director of the Park Center for Independent Media at Ithaca College.

Hall of Fame

The I.F. Stone Hall of Fame was created for exceptional journalists who would otherwise be repeat Izzy Award winners. Those inducted into the hall are GLENN GREENWALD and JEREMY SCAHILL (both in 2014) and AMY GOODMAN (2016)

Annual Winners

Click here for the award history.