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The Legacy of I.F. Stone
Endowed I.F. Stone Awards

Awards, Degrees And Appointments Provided To I.F. Stone

American University
Brown University
Colby University
New School for Social Research
Reed College
University of Pennsylvania (doctorate)
University of Pennsylvania (baccalaureate degree awarded
    50 years after he left the University to work as a journalist)
University of Southern California (doctorate)

Lecturer at Harvard University in a letter of 5/16/78.
Honorary Fellow of The Institute for Policy Studies
Fellow of the Society of Professional Journalists

Newspaper Guild of New York Honors Page One Must for Underground to Palestine
   awarded in 1947
The Eleanor Roosevelt Award
The George Polk Award of Long Island University
American Library Association Intellectual Freedom Award
John's Hopkins School of Advanced International Studies Award
Lifetime Achievement Award from Haddonfield High School (I.F. Stone's high school)
A.J. Liebling Award for Journalistic Distinction
Columbia University Journalism Award
National Press Club Journalists' Journalist Award
ACLU Award
The First Amendment Defender Award of the Catholic Univ. Law School
The Florina Lasker Civil Liberties Award from NY Civil Liberties Union
The Le Prix Charles-Leopold of the Mayer Institut de France 11/77
The Sidney Hillman Foundation Award
The Professional Freedom and Responsibility Award of the Association
   for Education In Journalism & Mass Communications
Haganah Medal (see below)

Haganah Medal

Description by I.F. Stone

Haganah Medal

Haganah  Haganah

The front picture is one of the boats that illegally smuggled concentration camp survivors into Palestine, against the orders of the British who ruled Palestine. I.F. Stone traveled as a passenger on one of these ships in 1946 and wrote about it in Underground to Palestine. The Hebrew words are from The Prophets, and they read something like, "Eventually all the dispersed people will come back to their country." The year at the bottom, in Hebrew, is 1945-1946.

In Latin, on the back, it reads, "Judah is restored." The picture on the left is the Arch of Titus, in Rome, built to commemorate his victory over Judah, his destruction of the first Holy Temple in 70 C.E. The gate to the right is a gate to the Old City of Jersalem, leading to the Western Wall (the holiest site for Jews; the closest standing wall to the once Holy Temple). The date in Roman numerals is also 1945-1946.